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His magical girlfriend Korean Drama Mix Hindi Song Cute ...


His magical girlfriend Korean Drama Mix Hindi Song Cute ...

His magical girlfriend Korean Drama Mix Hindi Song Cute Love

His magical girlfriend Korean Drama Mix Hindi Song Cute ...

His magical girlfriend Korean Drama Mix Hindi Song Cute Love

His magical girlfriend Korean Drama Mix Hindi Song Cute ...

Scribd boasts over 80 million subscribers and access to more than a million published titles. Since its humble beginnings

 as a document-sharing platform, Scribd has grown to include works from a wide variety of authors… and, perhaps most

 importantly for users, titles from Big 5 and other major publishers! Yet the price is lower than Kindle Unlimited, at just

 $8.99 a month after a 30-day free trial.

Those let down by KU’s lack of mainstream titles will be much more satisfied by Scribd. But of course, it’s 

not without a catch: despite familiar claims about their library being totally “unlimited,” Scribd still has to

 cap users at either three ebooks OR two audiobooks/month in order to maintain profitability. After you’ve

 hit this limit, your reading options get reduced to a much smaller pool of books.

Considering how much

 this kind of mainstream content would normally cost, Scribd is still a pretty sweet deal — but if you were thinking that unlimited bestsellers sounds too good to be true, you’re right on target.

2. Bookmate

Closer to KU in terms of scope and subscriber count (just a few million) is Bookmate, which has a library of

about 500,000 books. Distribution deals with HarperCollins and Bloomsbury give it a mainstream edge, though no other service can really compare to Scribd on that front.

What makes Bookmate

 unique is its social element: users can create custom profiles and follow friends to see what they’ve been reading,

 as well as what’s on their TBR “bookshelves.” Think of it as KU meets Goodreads — if you love to share and 

talk about books with other people, you’d probably enjoy Bookmate. You can try it for free for 7 days, after which point it costs $9.99/month.

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