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LADKI – Lesbian Wala Love | Full Hindi Short Movie 2022

A heartbreaking love story told from the perspective of Rosie Fischbach. It takes place in a hospital where, despite the eerie veil of death, there is more life ... 

Austen once set out in a letter the perfect subject for a novel — “Three or four families

 in a country village” — and the description fits Emma well. The glue that holds these families

 together (and our beloved heroine) is Emma Woodhouse. Clever, rich, beautiful, and utterly

 deluded, she’s determined to meddle with the hearts of her neighbours, but sees no need 

to find a husband herself. The novel bends narration through the distorting lens of our 

protagonist, making for a genius coming-of-age story and a work of comic brilliance.

 No matter who plays them, in what adaptation, her characters never fail to be laugh-out-loud funny!         






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