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Very Heart Touching Lesbian Sad Love Story - YouTube

Very Heart Touching Lesbian Sad Love Story - YouTube

In The History of Lesbian Hair, Mary Dugger delivers an unrelentingly hilarious view of the modern world. The redoubtable Ms. D. offers an uproarious array of illustrated essays, diagrams, and short takes covering Life ("The Downside to Lesbian Chic," "Build Your Own Lesbian," "So You Want to Be a Straight Girl," and children—“Pets with Thumbs"), Liberty ("Far Right Trading Cards," the ethics of outing), and The Pursuit of Happiness (the birth of the indomitable alter ego Marie DuGuerre, and her ongoing search for love, romance, and a

Before marriage lesbian relationship is ok... But after marriage still had husband there happen lesbian relationship means that

With the rise of violence against gay people, the "don't ask, don't tell" military policy and the homophobic rhetoric of the right-wing,
 sometimes there doesn't seem to be very much fun about gay and lesbian life. That is, until you read Mary Dugger's 
The History of Lesbian Hair.
 Dugger has a sense of humor that knows no boundaries -- from instructions to how to build you own lesbian (complete with
 Birkinstocks) to how to collect right-wing demagogue trading cards to how all lesbian haircuts have evolved from Patsy Cline's
 original 1950s do -- she is unafraid of poking fun at everyone from right-wing hate-mongering to the dyke in the bar with a bad attitude. Dugger has a sense of humor, and she knows how to use it.

From the Back Cover

In The History of Lesbian Hair, Mary Dugger delivers an unrelentingly hilarious view of the modern world. The redoubtable Ms. D.
 offers an uproarious array of illustrated essays, diagrams, and short takes, subdivided into Life ("The Downside to Lesbian Chic",

 how to "Build Your Own Lesbian", "So You Want to Be a Straight Girl", and the ultimate definition of children - "pets with thumbs"),

 Liberty ("Far Right Trading Cards", the ethics of outing, and an irrefutable argument proving that if homosexuals really do make up

 only 1.5 percent of the population, then every gay person in Chicago spends an average of $13.11 on liquor every single day), and The

 Pursuit of Happiness (the birth of the indomitable alter ego Marie DuGuerre, and her ongoing search for love, romance, and a decent vacation).

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