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Hayley Kiyoko Is the Lesbian Bachelorette in 'For the Girls' Video We met when we were 17 years old. A mutual friend introduced us, and we met up at Dallas

.We met when we were 17 years old. A mutual friend introduced us, and we met up at Dallas Pride. I swear the crowd parted as Moriah walked towards me, wearing red cowboy boots and carrying a rainbow umbrella. I could feel the energy in the air change. I’ll never forget the way my heart swelled in my chest when her eyes met mine for the first time, and she said, “Hi,” and it was the start of the rest of my life. 

We were drawn to each other, obsessed, even, for the first two months. I remember telling our friends that I would marry Moriah someday, and they all rolled their eyes and laughed! But it was all too intense, we were too young to be so enamored, and we stopped talking a few weeks after sharing a fireworks-worthy first kiss. 

A year later, now in college in neighboring states, Moriah reached out to me again. We began dating, but Moriah wasn’t ready to be in a committed relationship, and I wouldn’t settle for anything less. So I broke up with her over the phone after just three months. And for the next year, I prayed almost every night that we would find our way back to each other if it was meant to be. 

Eighteen months after that, now 20 years old and starting to think about our futures, I reached out to Moriah again, and we fell into an intense “friendship.” I was in Texas, where we’re from, and spending all my time writing my first book. Moriah was in Baltimore, still in college. We spent an average of 8 hours on the phone together daily. I would write while on the phone with her, talk to her about different subplots that I was struggling with, and she would make art while we spoke and send me her works-in-progress to discuss. It was a dream come true. It was one of the happiest times of my life. Four months later, we began dating again. That was three years ago, and we’ve been together ever since!

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