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Lesbian Love Romance Girl Girl Stories


Tell us your lesbian story! You met on Tinder. How long were you two active on the app before you two matched? Who started the conversation?

Oh man, I was on Tinder for a while! Probably over a year. I went on so many lesbian dates before Sam! She had only ever met one person off Tinder before me, though, and I was also the first girl she ever dated!

I sent her a message first, and we quickly exchanged phone numbers. Within a day or two I asked her on a date.

Where you out already?

Yes and no. Sam was not out at all. I was semi-out… I had only told a few close friends, and I was waiting until I had someone really special before I shared it with my family. Sam came out shortly after we met.

How long were you two talking before your first date?

Not long! We talked only a few days, and then our first date was to an outdoor art festival in our city.

We met up around 7pm, and stayed out until 2am, walking around the city and talking!

You got married in 2019 and have adoption plans! You also still want to travel more, so what will your lives look like in 5 years? 

Yes! In 5 years, I hope to still be travelling – we never want to stop! Maybe we will have a little one travelling with us, but we also want to make a point to travel just the 2 of us – it’s a great chance to reconnect.

  1. Alithea Castillo and Kim Geronimo (The Street Sensei)       

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