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THE LESBIAN SERIES || indian lesbian love story || lesbian love || love is love || LGBTQ LOVE NEW. 50K views 12 days ago

.THE LESBIAN SERIES || indian lesbian love story || lesbian love || love is love || LGBTQ LOVE NEW.

  • Tell us about your lesbian love story! How and when did you two meet?

    As told by Sydney: Brit and I first met in high school when we were sophomores through a mutual friend. I had little to zero care as I already had my group of friends and wasn’t looking for more.

    When we were reintroduced our senior year of high school and our two worlds more or less combined, we finally hit it off.

    As I got to know Brit more, I quickly learned that she was going to be embarking on her first year of college abroad in Israel…the exact same program I was enrolled in.

    Call it fate or call it coincidence, this for me, was the moment I knew we’d be bonded forever. But just as platonic friends.

    I had only ever dated and was only ever interested in guys. That is until I spent the next year becoming best friends with Brit and eventually moving back to Los Angeles where we attended college together.

    It was only when we had moved back home that another mutual friend of ours kept asking me what was going on between us.

    Before I knew it, I was talking about how attracted I was to Brit. How badly I wanted to kiss her. It didn’t take long until we finally shared that first true kiss. And that sealed the deal.

    We were both 20, in the prime of what should be ones dating career. We are now 30, married for nearly 4 years, with a daughter and a new baby on the way. From that first kiss, she has been, and will always be, my person.

    As told by Brit: Our lives had intersected a few times before we became friends, through school and mutual non-school friends. Eventually we started socializing our senior year of high school.

    We had both, separately, chose to skip our first year of university and go to Israel.

    Sydney had been planning this gap-year for years, I had chosen it on a whim but I guess it was fate. We didn’t really spent too much time together in Israel.

    We met up at a club in Tel Aviv about 3 months later, had our first kiss and went our separate ways.

    Six months later, she was living in Jerusalem, and I was doing my volunteer service with the IDF and asked her if I could stay at her place during my 24-hour leave from base, which I received every 2 weeks (I was stationed in the south, and it took me 8 hours to get to Jerusalem, so it was really like 10 hours with traveling and sleeping.)

    This period of time when I would crash on her couch for 10 hours every two weeks was the point at which we started to become closer.

    With such limited freedom, we would spend it going out for dinner, dancing, drinking and wouldn’t crawl home until 3, 4 or even 5 in the morning (my bus would pick me up at 7 am, but I had 8 hours to sleep on my way back).

    When our time was over in Israel, I made my way back to Los Angeles and started attending school.

    After months of daily Skype sessions, Sydney eventually joined me and the rest his history.

    Were you out already? If so, for how long?

    As told by Sydney: I wasn’t out. But I wasn’t not out either. I never had to ‘came out’ as straight. So looking back at my teenage dating life, I really was just with people who made me happy and fulfilled.

    It just so happened that those people were all guys.

    Within a month into dating Brit, I had told my family and friends. It was no big deal. This was just the next person I was dating. Although most of them would probably not bet on me marrying her several years later, I am fortunate enough to have a community of family and friends who are just accepting.

    For me, it was that easy and that simple. It’s a gift I wish I could give away to so many others.

    As told by Brit: I had come out in high school to my friends. I didn’t tell my parents until I was 20, Sydney was my reason for coming out to them.

    I knew it was serious, and I wasn’t willing to hide it.

    How has being Jewish influenced your love story?

    As told by Sydney: For me, I think it’s made our life together that much deeper, stronger, and easier. We were both raised with the same values and ethics.

    We were both taught about our peoples stories. We both grew up in kosher homes.

    The both of us speak Hebrew (Brit is fluent as she was born in Israel and has Israeli parents, who still speak Hebrew in the home). We celebrate the same holidays.

    When we were dating, a hot topic for us over dinner or during game night would always be about our future home and family.

    Having someone to share a life with that also shares the same beliefs as you, I think makes for a juicier, more intimate relationship.

    As told by Brit: It has influenced us greatly, as faith tends to do with those who observe a religion. Being Jewish is kinda just who we are.  We were both raised Jewish but very differently.

    Sydney was raised religiously, and I was raised socially (as most Israelis are), but it’s what has attracted me to her.

    Personality wise, we are very different people, we like different things and see the world through different lenses but our beliefs and values and how we want to raise our children and build our home align, which I think is really healthy.

    What is your best tip for Jewish queer girls looking for love?

    As told by Sydney: It may seem too on the nose, but traveling to Israel is a great place to start. Tel Aviv is considered one of the top gay friendly cities in the world. Plus it’s beautiful. It seems like a win win.

    Also, find an LGBT friendly Temple and become a member. Living in Los Angeles, we have so many temples that are either LGBT friendly or run by LGBT rabbis and cantors, so being able to be apart of both communities can be another perfect way to find your person.

    As told by Brit: Sydney stole my answer, but it elaborate a bit. I HIGHLY recommend everyone who can, sign up for Birthright. It’s a free trip for young adults (18 years to ~31 years old) to visit Israel for 2 weeks.

    It operates out of a number of different countries, not just the USA. They do have LGBT specific trips, but I’ve actually made deeper and longer lasting friendships with queer friends from non-LGBT specific trips.

    If you can get on a trip that is slated to complete around the time Tel Aviv pride happens, you can extend your Birthright trip for free through most airlines and then experience the biggest Pride celebration in the world.

    It’s more gay men dominate, but you’ll find your girls there too, and most likely Jewish.

    For people living in Los Angeles, there is a great organization called JQ International (Jewish Queers International) that has awesome events and that I’m involved in, but in general, I think if you’re Jewish and you want to date another Jewish girl, I think it’s easier than ever before.

    I’ve never spent time on any dating apps, but I feel like that’s a no-brainer filter question on them.                           

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